Best secure mailbox to protect your mail

If you or someone you know had your mail stolen or tampered with, you want to learn about lockable security mailboxes.  They make it easy to insert the mail, but to retrieve it, one must have a key. There are several types and manufacturers of lockable mailboxes, and this articles is meant to help you find the best secure mailbox for you.

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Best gate latches that allow locking from either side

keystone key dual sided latch

Keeping your home secure isn’t just for what’s in your home, but for what’s in your backyard, too. People keep lawn mowers, bicycles, boats, leaf blowers, and any number of high dollar items in their yard, and they demand just as much protection from outsiders than any valuables in your home. Plus there is comfort in securing the backyard from nosy neighbors, kids who don’t know their boundaries, and anyone else who thinks they want to go into your private space. You may have a fenced-in yard with a gate, but it’s only secure if you lock the latch.

Many gate latches allow locking on only one side of the gate, making it inconvenient to unlock if you find yourself starting on the wrong side to begin with. This inconvenience may cause someone not to lock their gate latch in the first place. The ideal solution would be to have a way to unlock the latch from either side. To do so, one needs the right security gate latch hardware.

We’ve searched through several gate latch options and fit this need and summarized the best two dual-sided lockable gate latches. These latches appear to perform the best based on several researched reviews. Both secure gate latch options are quite different in approach and cost, so look over them to find the one best for your unique needs.

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Complete Home Security Alarm Kits with no monthly fees

home security alarm kit diy

Home alarm system electronics are now at a point where do-it-yourself types can set up a complete system for their needs without the monthly contracts. Here are some popular options.

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